Thankful For The Scars

Easter is coming up this Sunday. I felt led a few weeks ago to dive into the Gospels to remind myself of what Jesus did for us when he sacrificed His life for ours. He was mocked, beaten, and battered before he was nailed to a cross. The level of punishment levied upon him was unthinkable and He did all this willingly to pay the price for our sins. He knew what was going to happen, yet he still forged ahead and went through with His Father’s plan. He died for all of us. That includes YOU!

We know that 3 days later He rose from the dead and appeared before His apostles. Thomas was one who doubted that He was alive, and it took Jesus showing the scars on his hands for him to believe. The scars on his hands and feet and the one in his side are markings of what he went through. Many of us have physical scars that are reminders of our past, some very painful. However, many of us are also dealing with emotional scars that still haunt us when we are reminded of them. We need to be thankful for the scars.

“Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

John 20:27, NIV

It’s All For A Purpose

This took me to the place of realizing that the emotional scars that I have were all for a purpose. I learned through those difficult times and grew as a man. Jesus allows us to go through trials and tribulations in order to grow us into more effective leaders. It gives us a testimony to share with others. Without the test there is no testimony. You just got mony mony. You’re welcome for the Billy Idol 80’s flashback. Remember that Jesus did ride into Jerusalem prior to the crucifixion on a colt, which some may have mistaken for a pony, so if the song is still in your head did you just hear the word pony?…….

Ok let’s get back on track. Difficult times suck. Trust me, I’ve been there just like you. Sometimes we go through trials because we messed up and made a poor decision. Other times we are chosen by God to enter into a season where He is going to stretch us as individuals to grow us so He can use us for His plan. The more we are able to endure and overcome, the more He can use us to further His kingdom. We are called as Christians to be an example of Christ and encourage others to learn more about Him.

Making An IMPACT

One of my mentors is Mike Stanley. The reason I love him so much is that I can talk to him about anything, and he holds me accountable with zero judgement. We all need more men like Mike in our lives. Someone who has been walking out the Christ-like lifestyle and will keep you in check without blowing you up with scorn and making you feel like a failure. Why is he like this? Because he is a sinner saved by grace just like me and He gets it.  You need a man like Mike to hold you accountable so you can grow into the man that God’s needs you to be so you can make an IMPACT in people’s lives.

We need more humble and meek warriors who are able to share their difficult past in a productive way so it can help men to navigate through their present situation. We need less guys on social media condemning others from 1000 miles away from their momma’s basement. Yeah I’m talkin’ to all the tough guys out there with your opinions on everyone who makes a mistake. Pretty much everyone I know has windows in their house or apartment so keep your rocks in your pockets instead of chucking them like you’re on a Mardi Gras float with a bag full of beads.

Be Inviting

We were created to be leaders with a heart for others. The world is crazy right now, and a lot of people you know are lost right now and just need some direction. The best weekend to invite someone to church is Easter or Christmas. Well Easter Sunday is in a few days, so ask someone you know to come hang out with you at church. If they say no, it’s ok. At least you had the guts to ask. 

If you don’t have a church you call home and need a place to go I would like to invite you to my church in Scottsdale, AZ. The name is Impact Church, and you can CLICK HERE to be taken to the church website for our Good Friday services at our church and our huge Sunday service at Sloan Park, the Spring Training home of the Chicago Cubs. My life has been transformed because Jeff Rodin invited me to this church 19 years ago. I encourage you to go somewhere, anywhere, and really dig deep on what Jesus did for you on the cross over 2,000 years ago.


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